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الشراء والتخلص

نحن نستخدم ملفات تعريف الارتباط لإنشاء موقع ويب آمن وفعال لعملائنا. من خلال الاستمرار في استخدام هذا الموقع، فإنك تمنح موافقتك على استخدام ملفات تعريف الارتباط.

آلة تفريز أدوات - شاملة MAHO MH 1200 S, سنة التصنيع 1991

"آلة تفريز أدوات - شاملة MAHO MH 1200 S, سنة التصنيع 1991"

#: رقم الإدراج P0112151
نوع الآلة: آلة تفريز أدوات - شاملة
المُصنِّع: MAHO
سنة التصنيع: 1991
نوع: MH 1200 S
حالة: مستعمل
الوقت الحاضر: h
رقم المرجع: p112805
  • ID: P0112151
  • 2832
  • 2019-11-28
  • السعر
  • عند الطلب

النوعMH 1200 S
سنة الصنع1991
وزن الآلة تقريباً115
مسار x1200
مسار y600
مسار z600
إجمالي احتياجات الطاقة25
x-travel: 1200 mm
y-travel: 600 mm
z-travel: 600 mm
total power requirement: 25 kW
weight of the machine ca: 115 t

Table travel: X axis, longitudinal 1,200 mm
Y axis, vertical 600 mm
Z axis, cross 600 mm

Table size 1,000 x 800 mm
Distance between spindle and column, max. 900 mm

Spindle taper SK 40
Spindle speeds (infinitely variable in 2 steps) 20 - 6,300 rpm
Max. weight of workpiece 1,000 kg

Feeds / quick feeds, X, Y and Z Axes 1 - 4,000 / 12,000 mm/min
Feeds / quick feeds, B Axis 1 - 1,500° / 10 rpm

Spindle drive 15 kW
Total electrical load, approx. 25 kW - 380 V - 50 Hz
Weight, approx. 11,500 kg
Dimensions of machine 2.75 x 5.10 x height 2.90 / 3.40 m

Accessories / Special Features
MAHO Continuous Path Control, Model CNC 432, for 5 axes, with colour monitor, graphics, and all the usual subprograms and cycles. Mobile manual control unit. With RS 232 Interface Entry for external data communication.
CNC rotary table (B Axis) in conjunction with the rotating milling head allows machining in 5 axes.
Vertical, rotating milling head with hydraulic tool clamping.
Horizontal milling spindle with hydraulic tool clamping.
CNC controlled tool changer with 36 positions. Tool life supervision and tool breakage supervision. With RENISHAW Measuring Probe.
Separate coolant device (no internal supply)
Complete covered working area with sliding doors.
Chip conveyor. Oil cooler for the hydraulic system.

Condition : Very good. Machine can soon be inspected under power. This is a
very stable machine suitable for heavy cuts. It was partially reconditioned in 2007 by MMD Company: geometrically measured, and mechanic and electrics were tested - a beautiful machine.
Delivery : Ex stock, as inspected.
Payment : Net, after conclusion of contract.

Thank you for your interest. We always have a good selection of milling machines available. Please let us know what you need.

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