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Зубошлифовальный станок для конических колёс GLEASON PHOENIX 200 HG 215mm

"Зубошлифовальный станок для конических колёс GLEASON PHOENIX 200 HG 215mm, г.в. 1997"

Объявление # P0112161
Тип: Зубошлифовальный станок для конических колёс
Производитель: GLEASON
Год выпуска: 1997
Модель/Тип: PHOENIX 200 HG
Состояние: Бу
Наработка: h
Реферальный номер: p112815
  • ID: P0112161
  • 2257
  • 2019-11-28
  • Цена
  • по запросу
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МодельPHOENIX 200 HG
Год выпуска1997
Масса станка10
Максим. потребляемая мощность станка20
макс диаметр зубчатого колеса215
Ширина колеса4065
max wheel diameter: 215 mm
gear width: 4065 mm
max module:
total power requirement: 20 kW
weight of the machine ca: 10 t

Max. external Ø of workpiece 215 mm
Tooth profile, height x width 16 x 40.65 mm
No. of teeth 5 - 200
Max. tooth ratio 1 : 10

Grinding wheel Ø 51 - 190 mm
Grinding wheel speeds 1,000 - 6,000 rpm

X Axis (horizontal) 152 mm
Y Axis (vertical) 178 mm
Z Axis (slide base plate) 304 mm
Distance from middle of machine to middle of workspindle 115 mm
Axial speed 125 mm/sec
Workpiece speeds 0 - 30 rpm

Workspindle bore, conical 3 29/32 inch

Total electrical load 20 kW - 380 V - 50 Hz
Weight, approx. 10,000 kg

Accessories / Special Features

FANUC CNC Control, Model 150 MB, for 7 axes, with monitor and direct input. Automatic calculation of all workpiece and grinding parameters.
Extensive coolant equipment with filter system, band filter, etc.
Driven grinding wheel dressing device with CNC dressing control for automatic compensation of form and diameter after every dressing.
Gear grinding is effected either in single component operation using a conical cup wheel (Gleason 30°), or with a cylindrical cup wheel. These grinding wheels can be made of CBN, or of traditional "dressable" aluminium oxide material (question of cost). Grinding with a conical grinding wheel is of advantage with regard to heat build-up and quality of tooth contact pattern. Therefore these pairs of bevel gears (for automotive industry) can be generated in high quality with consistent accuracy, economically, and with short set-up times.

Condition : Very good - machine can be inspected here under power
Delivery : Ex stock, as inspected
Payment : Net, after conclusion of contract

Thank you for your interest. We always have a good selection of gear machines available. Please let us know what you need.

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