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Токарный станок с наклонной станиной с ЧПУ INDEX G 300, г.в. 1995

"Токарный станок с наклонной станиной с ЧПУ INDEX G 300, г.в. 1995"

Объявление # P0178290
Тип: Токарный станок с наклонной станиной с ЧПУ
Производитель: INDEX
Год выпуска: 1995
Модель/Тип: G 300
Состояние: Бу
Наработка: h
Реферальный номер: p179115
  • ID: P0178290
  • 1393
  • 2022-08-12
  • Цена
  • по запросу
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МодельG 300
Год выпуска1995
Система управленияSIEMENS SINUMERIC 840
Масса станка6000
Максим. потребляемая мощность станка40
Диаметр обработки300
Длина точения710
turning diameter: 300 mm
turning length: 710 mm
total power requirement: 40 kW
weight of the machine ca: 6000 kg
dimensions of the machine ca: m

I N D E X (Germany)
CNC Controlled Slant-Bed Chuck Lathe with Turret and Tailstock
and INDEX CNC Control C 200 – 4 (SIEMENS)
Model G 300 Year 1995 S/N 5000 65

Turning - Ø, with chuck, max. 300 mm
Spindle bore 90 mm

Max. Workpiece Swing dia. 400 / 590 mm

Turning length / travel of turning slide, (X-Ось) max. 710 mm
Turret head slide cross movement (Z-Axis) max. 140 mm

Turret with 12 tool holder positions DIN 30 mm
Feed range of turret slide / Quickfeed 0,1 - 20 m/Min.
Feed Force of X/Z-Axis 8 – 13 kN

Steplessly adjustable Spindle speeds up to 5.000 rpm
Torque Forceon main spindle approx. 275 Nm

Spindle drive 28 kW
Total electrical load appr. 40 kW - 400 V - 50 Hz
Weight 6,000 kg

Accessories / Special Features:

INDEX CNC Control Model C 200-4 resp. SIEMENS 840 C for 3 Axes
X/Z Axis and Main spindle as C-Axis (Spindle Orientation) Control Panel
mounted swivable on front left side of machine.
Spindle orientation in 2,5° degree steps and Spindle indexing device
Mounted hydraulic 3 Jaws Chuck make FORKHARDT Model HS 250 with many
Sets of jaws. Speed up to 5.000 rpm
INDEX- Turret with 12 positions for DIN 30 tool holders, prepared for
driven tools and motorized by the indexing motor, Choice of approx.
40 pieces toolholders
Hydraulic Tailstock with stroke of 50 mm and with concentricity
correction device
KNOLL – Swarf Conveyor with Coolant Device and High Pressure Pump,
Sliding door, Oilskimmer, etc.

Condition : Good to very good. Machine can be inspected under power.
Delivery : Ex stock, as inspected.
Payment : Net, after conclusion of contract.

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