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Гидравлический пресс SXKH 300ES2520

"Гидравлический пресс SXKH 300ES2520, г.в. Nuova"

Объявление # P0155616
Тип: Гидравлический пресс
Производитель: SXKH
Год выпуска: Nuova
Модель/Тип: 300ES2520
Состояние: Бу
Наработка: h
Реферальный номер: p156398
  • ID: P0155616
  • 624
  • 2021-04-01
  • Цена
  • по запросу

Год выпускаNuova
Усилие замыкания прессформы3000 kN
Система управленияSiemens PLC S7-1200
Масса машины61.000 kg
производительность30 Kw
Габариты6800x3000x7300 mm
Габариты300Ton 2500x2000 mm
Расстояние между стойками2300 / 2870 mm
Усилие раскрытия700 kN

Größe ebenen: 2500x2000 mm
Max. abstand zwischen den ebenen: 2500 mm
Min. abstand zwischen den ebenen: 400 mm
Max. gewicht auf oberer ebene: 22000 Kg
Max. gewicht auf unterer ebene: 42000 Kg
Kippen der unteren ebene: opt. 70 °
Kippen der oberen ebene: 180 °
Drehung untere ebene: opt. 360 °
Anmerkungen: Part Make Display Screen Siemens HMI - Germany Computer (PLC) Siemens S7-1200 – Germany Main Servo Motor PHASE – ITALY Servo Drive Delta- Taiwan China Oil Motor Eaton-US Solenoid Valves Vickers – US Relief Valves Vickers – US Seal Rings NOK - Japan Contactor Schneider - France Encoders Kubler - Germany Limit Switches Omron - Japan Safety light Curtain Sick-Germany
Система замера: Encoders
Annäherungsgeschwindigkeit: 80 mm/sec
Betriebsgeschwindigkeit: 8 mm/sec
Anmerkungen: Two Mechanical Safety locks at each side to ensure the upper platen can be locked at any position when upper platen goes up or down. This Device is mandatory by EC rules.
Anmerkungen: 5.1 There are totally four encoders at each corners of the moving base. 5.2 The PLC screen shows the state of how these four encoders working continuously. The data will be shows for the whole strokes; this means the parallelism between two platens can be monitor continuously. 5.3During the mold protection function if the difference is more than the setting, the machine will stop immediately. This means if the employee leave some tools inside mold, when the upper mold touch the tools, the machine will stop immediately. This function will help to protect the mold before damaged.
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