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Токарный станок с ЧПУ INDEX GSC 65, г.в. 1991

"Токарный станок с ЧПУ INDEX GSC 65, г.в. 1991"

Объявление # P0112286
Тип: Токарный станок с ЧПУ
Производитель: INDEX
Год выпуска: 1991
Модель/Тип: GSC 65
Состояние: Бу
Наработка: h
Реферальный номер: p112940
  • ID: P0112286
  • 2213
  • 2019-11-29
  • Цена
  • по запросу
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МодельGSC 65
Год выпуска1991
Система управленияC 200 / 8
Масса станка85
Максим. потребляемая мощность станка60
Диаметр обработки250
Длина точения400
turning diameter: 250 mm
turning length: 400 mm
control: C 200 / 8
total power requirement: 60 kW
weight of the machine ca: 85 t

Swing Ø above bed, max. 300 mm
Max. turning Ø for chucking work, approx. 250 mm

Travel of Slides:
Turret 1, X / Z travel 163 / 550 mm
Turret 2, X / Z / Y travel 140 / 250 / 260 mm

Spindle bore, approx. 65 mm
Tool holder bore 30 mm

Spindle speeds 25 - 5,000 rpm
Feed range 0 - 15,000 rpm

Spindle drive 0.5 - 40 kW
Total electrical load 60 kW - 380 V - 50 Hz
Weight, approx. 8,500 kg

Accessories / Special Features
SIEMENS CNC Continuous Path Control, Model 880 (INDEX C 200-8) for at least 6 axes, with enlarged memory and with subprograms, simulation, etc.
Double column loading device for large workpieces, mounted above the machine. With 3-jaw gripper and storage system for blanks and finished parts, integrated in the CNC control.
Spindle indexing and positioning device, 7.5°.
Hydraulic high-power chuck (hollow clamping cylinder Ø 65 mm). Manufacturer: ROHM, Model HS 200/3-66, and ROHM Power Chuck, Model KFD HS 137 in the opposed spindle.
Driven tools in Turrets 1, 2 and 3, drive approx. 6 kW each. Tool stations: 8 / 12 / 8 + 28 tools in magazine = 55 tools altogether.
Tool measuring device for Turret 1.
Tool disk magazine for Revolver No. 2 with 28 tool positions and automatic tool changer.
Backwork is possible using the control unit for the 3rd turret.
Coolant device with large chip conveyor. Automatic sliding doors.
Various other accessories.

Price, ex stock EUR 49,000.--

Ideal machine for heavy and complex turned parts. Complete processing is possible, including backwork.

Condition : Good to very good. Machine can be inspected under power.
Delivery : Ex stock as inspected
Payment : Net, after conclusion of contract

Thank you for your interest.
We have a selection of CNC lathes available. Please let us know your requirements

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